Lovely Blogs
I had mixed emotions when I first saw the message of Jen of jenbeansblog in one of my posts telling me that I had been nominated for the lovely blog award. I was both elated, humbled, in fact, a little embarassed, for being bestowed this honor.
Thank you very much Jen! You are so kind to give me such recognition. It will surely inspire me to make my blog even better.
Jen herself has quite a lovely blog. I especially love her bread section. Her posts are not only creative but also inspiring for those who wish to attempt any form of bread-making. I do hope you can check out her blog, too.
I learned that there are certain rules for this award. Once you have been kindly nominated for the award you ought to:
1. Link back to whoever nominated you. (Done that!)
2. Write 11 random facts about yourself. (This is going to be tricky….)
3. Nominate 11 bloggers. (That’s easy enough though 11 may not be enough…)
Now for the 11 random things about me:
1. I grew up in an island called Marinduque, one of the 7,107 islands of the Philippines. Sadly, I am not a good swimmer despite having been surrounded by water most of my life and nearly drowned once.
2. I am a lawyer by profession but currently a happy stay-at-home mom.
3. I used to work for the Philippine Senate and the Supreme Court.
4. Before I took up law, I was once a TV producer in one of the local networks in Manila.
5. I met my British husband in London while I was studying at Oxford.
6. By God’s grace, I have been able to travel and visit over 130 cities in 26 countries.
7. I love to sing as much as I love to cook. Our neighbors in Manila were both my willing and unwilling audience for the longest time!
8. I’ve never tasted balut (Boiled duck embryo – a Filipino delicacy) and I don’t think I ever will.
9. My scariest experience was when I was robbed at knifepoint in Manila..
10. I have been involved in at least 3 major car accidents (2x in the US and once in South Africa). Never my fault in any of those. Yes, if things went really bad, I could have died. I am thankful to be alive.
11. But, I am not scared of whatever life may bring for I am a follower of Christ. I know He is in control.
Finally, here’s my list of very noteworthy, very lovely blogs, indeed. I learn much from them and think they are all an excellent read. Therefore, I nominate them all for the lovely blog award.
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Thanks again Jen for the recognition! Looking forward to sharing recipes with all of you!
Last updated on October 1st, 2019 at 02:51 pm
I'm sorry that you went through so much in the Phillipines, but it is still one destination I would love to visit:) Oh and, singing and cooking are an awesome combination!
Hi Jen! Thanks for dropping by. The car accidents were in the US and South Africa. 🙂 Philippines isn't at all that bad, I think I should edit it a little, less I give my country a bad name. LOL!
Thanks for joining our site. Happy Sharing!
Thank you very much for awarding me…I appreciate it! Congrats to you too for getting one.
I love learning about foodies like me. You have pretty interesting life. I am glad you are alive, and that you concurred all those bad things that have happen to you.
Thank again, and have a lovey day!
You're welcome! The pleasure is all mine, Sandra!
First of all thanks for nominating me and my blog for this award! It's great to know a little more about you through the 11 facts 🙂 Many greetings to you from Germany! xoxo Christine
You're welcome Christine! Thanks for dropping by!
Congratulations! That's wonderful!
So kind of you to consider me! This is such an honor! I love the idea of random personal facts. I wonder if there is anything left I haven't shared. Hm…I'll have to think on that one. It's so great to be a part of such a wonderful group. Congratulations all around.
It's my pleasure, Kate! Thanks for dropping by!
Thank you for nominating me! You have some amazing recipes…well deserved!
You're welcome, Emily! Thanks for dropping by!