Travel Feature: Bali, Indonesia

Have you ever been to Bali? Let us take you on this whirlwind trip to one of Asia’s prime beach destinations!

I love Bali! The first time I ever landed on this tropical paradise was 15 years ago as part of our honeymoon. I have decided, after 15 years, it’s time to come back and see once again the beauty of this amazing place. I am glad my sister gladly obliged and joined me in this whirlwind trip. We were only here for a weekend because my aim was really to attend a cooking class to learn more about Indonesian food but we still saw quite a lot. We came back totally in-love with the people,ย  the glorious food and the awesome scenery Bali has to offer. Don’t be surprised if I am off to Bali again soon!

Enjoy our mini-vacation and hope you get to visit Bali soon yourself!

We arrived quite early in the morning as we took a red-eye flight from Manila.

This is what greeted us – glorious sunshine and oh that wonderful wide beach!

There weren’t a lot of people yet so we got to enjoy the beach to our heart’s content!

The only sound that broke the perennial splashing of the waves was the buzzing of this helicopter that flew so low and came out of nowhere! I love this shot though, don’t you?

And when you’ve been awake since 1 am, then the first thing you look for is a coffee shop. Thankfully, there was one near us in Seminyak where we booked our hotel. It was an awesome coffee shop. What a great find!


Well, this was my primary reason for coming to Bali. I was doing some research for my rice and noodles cookbook so I wanted to learn firsthand how to make the most delicious Indonesian dishes. Incidentally, my cookbook is coming out, Lord-willing, early summer 2019!!! Can’t wait to share it with you all!

Here’s my sister being taught by Ibu Dotty – quite a master at her craft!

Chopping some shallots for her spice paste!

Look at all that delicious food we made. And yes, all these yummy dishes are included in the cookbook. Are you excited yet? ๐Ÿ™‚

I couldn’t wait to dig in here!

And here’s the trio of chefs! We had such a lovely time learning how to cook Indonesian food!

In the evening we went to a restaurant famous for its food and also for its cultural shows.



Here’s the interior of the restaurant. The food was great. But to be honest, my Beef Rendang was better than theirs!!! Ha ha. ๐Ÿ™‚

Since we were here on a Sunday, we made sure we visited the local church.

This, like in my other travels around South East Asia, had always been the highlight of my trip. It’s so amazing to worship with other Christians from the around the globe.

My soul was truly blessed.

Yes, I do love and enjoy Indonesian food!

This is the Indonesian version of Halo-Halo, a tasty summer summer treat that not only refreshes you while under the scorching heat of the Asian sun but is sure to delight your palate, too!

Did I mention I love Indonesian food? Yes, so much I had to take home a souvenir so I can share some of these yummy recipes with you!

For our final day, my sister and I decided to go to the beach and do some relaxation and sightseeing. But guess what? We stumbled into a huge mall instead just right across the beach!

What a view! Probably one of the prettiest malls I have ever seen!

And of course, the lovely and wide sandy beaches of Bali can’t be beat!

I will definitely be back soon!!!



Last updated on September 30th, 2019 at 03:22 pm



  1. February 20, 2019 / 4:43 pm

    Just saw this… lovely review about Bali and our cooking class. Can’t wait to see your book..

    • abigail
      February 21, 2019 / 10:22 am

      Hope we can visit Bali again! We had such a lovely time!

  2. Julie Hardwick
    July 20, 2021 / 3:08 am

    Lovely to read about your trip on this post. If you get this, itโ€™s because Iโ€™m researching Asian/Indonesian food.
    Unfortunately my family had to return to New Zealand because of illness, and they have been so used to having VERY tasty food in Jakarta, and now I have the task of making our food palatable compared to yours.
    Then I came across your book and was interested if your recipes, in particular the ingredients, would be found here in New Zealand! Would it be possible to find your book somewhere to buy of recipes to use. Your recipes often have a lot of ingredients.
    If you can help me I would appreciate it

    • abigail
      July 20, 2021 / 12:54 pm

      So glad you found us Julie! Welcome to Manila Spoon. If you haven’t gotten the book yet, it may be purchased on Amazon or you may perhaps ask your local bookstore to do it for you. As with most Asian recipes they may require a bit more ingredients if you want to make it authentic. The best place to find all the Asian ingredients would be at our local Asian store (Chinese or Southeast Asian stores would be perfect for this). If you don’t have one near you – try the Asian section of your grocery stores. Most, if not all, of the ingredients may be purchased via Amazon, too. But check out the Asian stores first. Thanks for stopping by. Hope your family’s doing better health-wise.

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