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Bread and Soup Recipe Round-up (40 Delectable Recipes)

40 Delectable Bread and Soup recipes for your whole family to enjoy this winter season!

Lentil and Spinach Soup with Italian Sausages

Make fall and winter more comfortable with these scrumptious Bread and Soup recipes! Enjoy!

Please note: To get the recipe, find the photo below of the yummy sweet treat you are looking for and then click on the link underneath. That should lead you to the recipe. This is a collection of recipes from our blog and other amazing food bloggers.

Pasta Fagioli Soup


Gluten-free Chicken Noodle Soup


Woodland Ogre Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe, Days and Evenings are getting colder! Bring back the warmth with this hearty "Stoup" Stew and Soup all in one and good enough to feed and Ogre! Perfect if you celebrate Halloween or Harvest!

Woodland Ogre Beef and Pasta Stoup


English Muffin Toasting Bread


sweet potato soup

Sweet Potato Soup Recipe

Vietnamese-style Beef Pho


French Onion Soup


Creamy Ham and Potato Soup

Creamy Ham and Potato Soup


Aloha Bread


Spicy carrot cream

Chilled Spicy Tofu Carrot Cream


Chicken Pot Pie Soup

Chicken Pot Pie Soup


Buttermilk Dinner Rolls

Quick and Tasty Chicken Ramen

tomato soup ericasrecipes watermark

Roasted Yellow Tomato Soup


Avocado Soup with Feta Cheese


Coconut Pumpkin Bread Pudding


Soft Wheat Naan

Lemony Pork Soup with Asparagus and Spinach

Oven-baked Naan

Dutch Onion Soup

Triple Bean Stew with Sweet Potato Biscuits

Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons

Crockpot Lentil, Quinoa ‘n Veggie Soup

Chicken Soup

Arroz Caldo



Lentil Potato Soup


Black Bean and Vegetable Soup


Chicken-Immu Noodle Soup


Light and Creamy Broccoli Soup


Homemade French Baguettes


Chicken Chili


Squash Chili

Homemade Chicken Stock and Shredded Chicken

abondigas soup
Mexican Meatball Soup

Split Pea and Sausage Soup

Healthy, delicious and dairy-free Broccoli Soup

 Squash and Ginger Chicken Soup

Healthy and flavorful Zucchini Soup

Last updated on October 1st, 2019 at 12:24 pm

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  1. Unbelievable! Incredible amount of work you have put in to doing this for all of us. I so much appreciate every minute you spent sharing and then doing this Abby. Thank you very much truly very much!

  2. Abby you are a very given soul! Thank you so much for sharing my recipe with your readers! It's always a pleasure to interact with you on FB and a great experience looking through your entire blog for recipes of the land of my grandparents! Thank You for everything you do, especially for us, little blogs, Lizy

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