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Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Bacon (and Garlic)

Full of bacon and garlicky deliciousness these sautéed Brussels Sprouts will please even non-brussels sprouts fan!! Done in 10 minutes or less, it’s seriously tasty, too!

My husband has always been a big fan of Brussels Sprouts and I wasn’t. In fact, I have to confess I have never seen Brussels Sprouts until I went to England over a decade ago.

I have never seen them in any of our groceries while growing up though perhaps nowadays with a more globalized market, they may already have arrived some time ago.

I  was just so fascinated with them ’cause they looked like mini green cabbages – well, they do belong to the same family, and I actually thought they’d taste exactly the same.

Well, not really, as far as my taste buds are concerned, for these Brussel Sprouts are more bitter than the mild-tasting regular Cabbage. Because of this, I rarely cook them for my husband and if I do he has the entire serving all for himself. 🙂

However, I have seen quite a few recipes of Brussels sprouts cooked with Bacon so I thought – wow, I can imagine how yummy that must be – anything can be improved and made more palatable with bacon as far as I am concerned.

So, I thought before I fully give up on Brussel Sprouts let me give this one more try! Besides, I have read that when you cook or eat veggies it’s good to have a little fat to go with them ’cause the fat helps in the better absorption of the nutrients in veggies. Is that enough justification to add Bacon? I think so too!

For those who are not fans of Brussels Sprouts try this recipe first. It’s unbelievably quick and easy to make and doesn’t take more than 10 minutes to cook. How about that? And with the use of a food processor prepping the Brussels Sprouts is certainly a breeze. So what are you waiting for? Have this tonight!

Full of bacon and garlicky deliciousness this sautéed Brussels Sprouts will please even non-brussels sprouts fan!! Done in 10 minutes or less, it's seriously tasty, too!

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4-5 slices of All Natural and Nitrite-free Bacon, chopped into small pieces

1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

2 Garlic cloves, crushed (optional)

1 lb Brussels Sprouts

Salt and pepper, to taste


In a large frying pan, place the chopped Bacon, olive oil and crushed Garlic. Cook until the Bacon has turned crisp and brown and has rendered it’s fat and the Garlic has browned, too. Remove the garlic after it has browned. You only need it to add more flavor but you can opt to not use it.

While you are waiting for the Bacon to cook, work on the Brussels Sprouts. Clean the sprouts and trim off  a small amount of the end of each sprout ( the hard part). Place the trimmed sprouts in  a food processor and chop them into small pieces. You only need a few seconds to to this. Set aside  the prepared sprouts.

Once the bacon has turned brown and crispy, stir in the Brussels Sprouts. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Cover and cook for 1-2 minutes until the sprouts are tender but not mushy.

Serve immediately with freshly cooked rice. Super delicious as a side dish or as a main dish! Enjoy!

Full of bacon and garlicky deliciousness this sautéed Brussels Sprouts will please even non-brussels sprouts fan!! Done in 10 minutes or less, it's seriously tasty, too!

If you like what you see and would like to receive new recipe updates, we’d love you to subscribe to our posts or join our site. Needless to say, we’d love you to like us on Facebook and Instagram, too where you can get more recipes and updates. Thanks and happy browsing!

Last updated on January 27th, 2024 at 03:09 pm

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  1. I really enjoyed these! I had to use garlic salt since I had no fresh garlic and cooked a bit longer than stated. I also sprinkled in a little dry chicken bouillon granules along with the other seasonings as it cooked. Now, if I could only get my DH to eat brussels sprouts! I thought I could sway him with the bacon, but no! Thanks for sharing. Diane

  2. I usually cook brussel sprouts whole or halved and roasted. This looks like a nice change of pace. I'm somewhere in between you and your husband – a fan, but not a huge one. So making them a little less bitter by chopping them so small and mixing them with bacon sounds fabulous.

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